Infinite Scroll

Infinite scroll is a feature that has been implemented into a variety of social media applications and it allows users to swipe through endless content. It is used by applications such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to provide the user with a never-ending stream of content, which can have a detrimental effect on mental health by enabling procrastination.


Instagram recently implemented a new feature that informs the user when they have seen all new content. This feature although beneficial, as it helps to inform the user, still encourages infinite scrolling as it then provides them with an endless stream of suggested content. This message should be adapted so that the user must interact with it and make a conscious decision.

Scroll me!

Current Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
Suggested Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image


Facebook should implement a message that appears when the user has caught up on all new content on their news feed. A user can then choose to leave the application or continue. This would help to make users aware as to when they have seen all new content and would encourage them to exit the application therefore helping with procrastination and mental health.

Scroll me!

Current Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
Suggested Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image


TikTok shows users an endless stream of short-form videos, to help reduce procrastination TikTok should implement various pop-up messages that inform the user of the amount of time they have spent on the application. This feature would break up the stream of endless content and would encourage the user to leave the application, creating a more conscious user.

Scroll me!

Current Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
phone screen
Suggested Feature
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
application image
phone screen